Love in God

Sermon summary

1. Love and Loathing two natures in man. 2. Many of the works of man source of love and hatred. 3. rightful balance of love and hatred. 4. Islamic society is based on the bond of love in God. 5. preferred to worship God in love.

The first sermon


Loved ones in God: for a person in this life needs like her judgment, and the demands of requesting Nwalha, and the interests of the wishes of success, and has also tendencies and desires and the desires of trying to please it and satisfy them and enjoy them, and anyone who helped him on an errand I love it, and agreed with him on a whim money to him, and goes against the interests of or shocking at whim and I hate hatred.

Love and hatred of human nature, and qualities inherent, inevitable, and Asim them, will not be without a man of love or no, love has been found with our father Adam, peace be upon him, and it was love and loathing among his children a reason to fight Cain and Abel, and drank the earth's blood first fatality as a result of the love killer Fortunately for the slain, bred hatred for his brother who produced the murder and ٱtl them the news ٱbny Adam Bٱlhak as closer proximity smelters accept from one of them did not accept the ٱlakhar said Oguetlink said it accepts Allah from ٱlmottagan to the verse: Aftuat him himself to kill his brother, killing him, bringing ٱlkhsrin from [table: 27-30].

This is how overpowers love and hatred for oneself, are issued words and deeds according to them, comes from love alliance and friendship, cooperation and compassion, Vtsaad groups and nations and individuals, and issued by the hatred estrangement and abandonment, segregation and differences and abandonment, cruelty and hardship, Vtafrq group and spoil Nations, and often human walking behind amateur in love People and hatred, and governs the purposes of satisfaction in them or dislike, and directs his love and aversion in the face of truth and faith and reason.

For all that the status of Islam government balance of love and hatred, united the limits of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, so as not to get lost rights, and incorruptible individuals between love is blind and no sterile; this puts Islam balance the right to love and hatred, prevent wickedness, and makes them two weapons of weapons of truth and justice and happiness of individuals and nations.

Valmizan so right to have your love and Bgdk God, you love God and hate in God, love of believers righteous, hate unbelievers spoilers, like the guardians of God, and hate the enemies of God, love of the love of God even if it goes your opinions and hate of hates God, even sometimes your horizon, says: ((love of God and hates God, and God gave, and prevent God, has completed the faith)) [Abu Dawood, 4681].

Islam and his followers connects the bond of love that exists Altab community, and the Messenger of Allah announce means that strengthen this love, and increase it, Muslim narrated in Saheeh from the Messenger of Allah said: ((not Adlkm anything if you did love one another! Spread peace among you)).

Long ago it was: Jbelt souls to love the best of them, and regardless of abused her.

And love in the community of Islam is based on devotion to God, not hypocrisy and duplicity, and worldly interests between them, he devotion to God alone with no partner, and the right to love if marred purposes it ends as it began as love devil who human sign in disobedience to God and decorated him so and as love of the tongue is the empowerment of the heart.

Gives you the tip of the tongue of sweetness and Irog you as Irog fox

For this, we find that the Prophet taught his followers to the sweetness of love of God, and shows them the impact Mahmood for this Love, Al-Bukhaari and Muslim (43) that the Messenger of Allah said: ((three of Be it found them the sweetness of faith: that God and His Messenger are dearer to him than one else, and loves One does not love him, but God, and hates to go back in disbelief after God saved him and hates to be thrown into the fire)).

The right to a Muslim if I love God, tasted the impact at the same comfort and reassurance, and won in the Hereafter a great reward which God prepared for loving it, and that is Islam is keen on rules that make this love a reality experienced by Muslims, and avail himself of it in this world, he says: (( If I like a man that loves his brother Vlabrh)) [Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi].

It's affirmation of this love and the media for not doing so as not to have this love of one party.

Islam is commonly love between his community even be Mtalva, Abu Dawood reported from Anas may Allah be pleased with him that a man was at the prophet, a man of Famer him and said: O Messenger of God, I love this, the Prophet said to him: ((Ooalmth))? He said: No, he said: ((I know)). Vlhakh, he said: I love you in God, he said: I love that you loved him.

Love is not a word spoken, but it is a reality for loving lover, advice and guidance, make and giving, sacrifice and altruism, lose and a prayer, it's a great gloss appear on Almtahabin, and that is what this action was great was the reward for a great Rahim Rahman.

In the correct agreed to talk in the seven who God will shade under his shadow, including: ((men Thaba in God, met him)), and dispersed it, and continue giving the Lord for these Almtahabin, God Almighty in the hadith Qudsi says: ((and the obligatory love for those Athabon and Etjalson and visit one another and share in)) [Tabarani: 153, 20/81].

But in the Hereafter, people Tgbthm this bliss in which they, out son Habban: (573) attribution correctly Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him the Messenger of Allah said: ((that of the servants of God devotees are not prophets Agbthm prophets and martyrs)) said: Who are the Perhaps we love them? He said: ((they are people who love one another with the light of God is wombs and lineages, and their faces light, the pulpits of light, not afraid if he was afraid of people, do not grieve if melancholy people)), then read: not the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve. [Yunus: 62].

O Allah, make them and their disservice, and Make them your mercy, O Most Merciful.

Brothers in Islam: the Is Mhmr us for this, and Mptg to afford it, the love of God is a great reward, Could I know each other, that he loved God, to receive this reward, that some of us love his brother in God, but he shied away from it fearing a reluctance or otherwise, but advances, God bless them they do not feel free from it, but they know of this love loved him until they get reward from God.

Remove Tabaraani: (150) was narrated from Abu Idris Khawlaani said: I entered the mosque of Damascus, if I am a boy lustrous folds long silence, and the people with him if they differed in something Osendwah him, and exported for his opinion, and I asked him, and was told: Maaz bin Jabal, when he was Tomorrow may be abandoned and found my predecessors displacement, and found him praying, Vantzerth even spent his prayer, then distracted by a face recognized by, and I said: I am the God of love to God, he said: God? I said: God, he said: God? I said: God, he said: God? I said: God, said he took Bahbuh robe, Fjbzna him, and said: preach the gospel; I heard the Messenger of Allah said: ((Allah said: obligatory love in the loving, and Almottagalcin in, and in Almetzaorén)). O Allah, make them.

Obey God worshipers of God, and Walk the Messenger of Allah approach prosper, and Delight our world and the Hereafter. God, make us who love you, O God, write to us your love and love someone who loves you, and inspired love and love and love of the faithful messenger. Oh dear to us faith and decorations in our hearts and hating us infidelity and immorality and disobedience, say what you hear and ask Allah for forgiveness.

Second sermon

Thankfully thank so much. . After:

Brothers in Islam:

Islam has established Muslim community on loving and harmony after the people were enemies of the brother is and hatred and strife, has this great love back in love, which planted the Messenger of Allah among immigrants and supporters, that the love that the world has failed to come ideals only in Islam and Islam, I've got love them The man displays waive one of his two wives divorce her even marry her brother-Muhajir.

It is altruism, who described the Quran these guys, God bless them, and worthy of the back to walk in the conduct of the Ancestors, and evaluate this society on love, harmony and peace, and to take off from our souls the seeds of discord and strife, and let us in love in God's route optimization to achieve this blessed end.

Is not Mhmr for this? Oh God, yes. God, make us love one another familiar Metzaorén Mtbazlin thee, O most merciful, then arrived and Greet intercessor Almhf Prophet of Mercy, has commanded so Maulana Rahman, said Ezz man who said: Surely, Allah and Mlikth blessings on ٱllenby Ioeha those who believe they arrived and handed him recognition [parties: 56].