Apocalypse When? And how?

Apocalypse When? And how?

 Sheikh Mohammed Hassan

Praise be to Allah, we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness and we seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and our evils of Allah guides not misleading him and not mislead Hadi and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger
(O ye who believe, fear Allah right Tqath not die except as Muslims) (O people, fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul and creating them her husband and transmit them men of many women and fear Allah who asks by the wombs that God, you were a sergeant) (O ye who believe! Fear God and speak always the truth you fit your deeds and forgive you your sins and obey Allah and His Messenger has won a great victory)

After the talk believe the Book of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad, peace be upon him and all the evil things Mahdthatha an innovation and every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance in the fire

Then either Badfhyakm all God Brothers good guys and Sisters Alfadilat and Tpettm and merry Mmchakm and Tbutm all of Paradise house of God Almighty who Jmni with yourselves in this holy house on obedience to join me with the master preachers in his committee and the House Mqamth and ask for He is Able to do

The end of the world. When? And how? This is the title of Qanha with yourselves in this blessed day and the usual, so as not to withdraw quickly from the table time under our feet will attend newborn with yourselves in this great Galilee subject in the following elements:

First: - News prophetic interval in the coming world events.

Second: - The major epics.

Thirdly - and the truth of God and His Messenger.

Finally - a worksheet.

Voaeroni hearts and ears well .. and ask God to acknowledge our eyes championing Islam Unitarian was hard for He is Able to do

First: - News prophetic interval in the upcoming global events:

Lovers of God can not sane person on earth as well as the world is to say categorically and in a specific time by the end of the world by the hour. Did not know at the time. The time is not close to the king of this prophet of science and unseen, who accounted for by God Almighty alone is the Almighty said: (asks people for less time but knowing God)
In Sahih Muslim narrated from Umar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him that the Secretary of the sky inspired Jibreel (AS) asked the Secretary of the people of the land of Muhammad, peace be upon him: How long time? Mustafa said: "What is responsible for them Boalm of liquid." However, God Almighty has briefed the Prophet, peace be upon him all the signs and hour markers, but also on all of the events that will take place in the universe at the hands of

Contrive me God said: (unseen world does not appear on the unseen but none of the consents of the messenger ..) and the Almighty said: (and Ahristiton something of his knowledge, but as he wishes)
In true hadith narrated by Ahmad and other modern Abdullah bin Amr said: I write everything I hear from the Messenger of Allah I want to save Venhtna Quraish about it and they said: The Messenger of Allah humans speak in anger and dissatisfaction, said: Vomskt writing then reported that the Messenger of Allah God bless him and the Prophet said: "the same type Whose hand is what came out of me but the truth."

The Almighty said: (And if the star Hui (*) What better companion and seduce (*) and a passion (*) It is only a Revelation revealed (*) very strong knowledge of (*) is once sat up)
And then God said: (The Prophet Ouatkm Fajdhuh and Nhakm him verily Allah is severe in punishment)

Nothing but told him Sadiq, peace be upon him gone with me what Bukhari and Muslim from Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman may Allah be pleased with him, said: I gave a sermon of the Prophet, peace be upon him sermon, what left them something to do time, but said he knew of his knowledge and his ignorance of Ignorant
In Sahih Muslim narrated from Abu Zayd Amr ibn preach may Allah be pleased with him, said: bless us Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him dawn and then went to the podium Fajtabna until noon - Prophet standing on the platform under the preaching in the Companions of dawn to the back - said: sat down and prayed back then went to the podium Fajtab even attended the afternoon, said: sat down and prayed - any age - and then went to the podium Fajtab until the sun set, said: tell us what was and what is the object Voalmana Ahfezna any of the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him

Nothing happened and nothing standing between us now and the event will occur in the coming years in the hands of time, but was told by Sadiq, who does not speak of passion, what Thiah nation now from the reality of contemporary and attest the world of bloody events painful in the coming years, however, has told by Sadiq, who does not speak of passion.

Yes Prophet actually has the body of contemporary embodiment accurate. In the hadeeth narrated by Abu Sa'eed may Allah be pleased with him that peace be upon him, said: "Taatban of Sunan was before you an inch and an inch lever arm even if they entered terrier dubb Tbatamohm" They said: O Messenger of God, the Jews and the Christians. He said: "It is?!".

In true hadith narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawood of modern garments that peace be upon him said: "You are about to falter Nations also falter Eaters to Kassatha" They said: We believe the lack of that day, O Messenger of Allah? He said: "kidney, but you lot that day, but you scum Cgthae Torrent and are due to God to take away from the prestige and the hearts of the enemy Ikzven weakness in your hearts," said: debility and O Messenger of Allah? He said: "love of the world and hatred of death."

However, he has told Sadiq, who is not only a passion for the demise of this ordeal revealed this sorrow and told us about the victories God of Islam and Muslims and to humiliate the God of the trap and the idolaters By God, then God, we are now very close occurrence anthropologist Mahmdiat sincere with what we see from the reality over the painful .. Why ?

Because that Séae whole universe in the days and years ahead of what is happening in the land Tell him sincere that will change the whole universe is the Almighty King of kings and lord of the universe and the trajectory which tells the thing: Be! This is the second important and our race.

Great Almhamma.

Dear Brothers ..
We have been told that is not sincere speak of passion to the stage after this painful reality that bitter Thiah nation Satqa inevitably it divine years of the ways of God in the universe that Sunan that does not change and does not change the Almighty said: (You will not find ways of Allah)
Sadiq told us that in the hands of the major epics in the next few years will be a truce, there will be a secure peace between the Romans and the Muslims of rum?
Roman brown or yellow: they (Americans and Europeans) .. will begin next epics or secure a truce between the Americans did Hudaybiya and Alourbin and among Muslims
I ask now Ulm located truce and Magistrate's now as much as they told Sadiq, who does not speak of passion. ??

Al-Bukhaari and other modern Auf bin Malik may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, peace be upon him said: "Sta enumerate the hands of time: Motti, -mot beloved of God peace be upon him, and open house -fath holy Jerusalem after the words of the Prophet sallallaahu ' him in the days of Omar bin al-Khattab led by Abu Ubaidah -thm our dead takes you, Kqas sheep -taon spread among you such as the spread of this plague or disease in sheep has the plague occurred in Emmaus in the Levant and the killing of Abu Abeida and Maaz bin Jabal and many blessings owners God be upon him-then Asttath money even given the man a hundred dinars remains unchanged indignant - was signed that it gives the man now a hundred pounds or two hundred remains unchanged indignant either for lack of contentment and satisfaction and either to higher prices and cost of living so as not enough of this money to his needs and Dharoryate, the fifth brand - said Then charm does not leave a house in the Arabs only entered - seen by many scholars represented in the media in all its forms did not let this means now is a house of Arab houses only entered then manage sixth brand - said: Then truce be between you and the Roman Vigdron - and treachery Boushima Roman -vijmon you under eighty extremely under the all-too-twelve thousand. "
The goal is: the flag, the flag of purpose and called for it too. If the army army fell missed goal army and defeated the flag became known for that of purpose

According to another version narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah bond properly, said Sadiq, peace be upon him: "Stsalihun rum safe Salha Vngzon you who are - you any O Muslims and Roman .. rum as we agreed are Americans did and Europeans -ta of Raúhm- and manage all sincere words .. He did not say from Raúkm- Vtzlmon and Nggon then get off Bmarj a Tlul - green place is green and that of water who shall a man of Roman unfurled Cross says: defeated Cross who shall him a man of Muslims killed it then betray the Romans and the epics Vigtmon you in eighty extremely under the all-too-twelve Alpha "

Me contrive to this speech of the Prophet signed a truce now here we are now seeing the truce stage and the Magistrate safe treaties between the Americans did the Europeans and every nation wearability treaties safe and reconciliation exception, but the Prophet, peace be upon him told that Muslims will participate America and Europe in fighting the common enemy Ya see from this common enemy ?! Is it terrorism in the words of the Europeans and Americans did and all the Arab media without exception? Is the Eastern bloc Russia, China and Japan? Are they the Shiites?

Answer: God knows Mourad messenger but the people of the book flies to firmly believe in this common battle and they call it in their books and their beliefs to battle (Armageddon) or (Hermgedo), and Armageddon Hebrew word consists of two sections the first section: (HR) in the sense Mount and (Megiddon) or ( Megiddo) is a valley where it is in Palestine ..
In the book of the so-called People of the Book of Revelation in chapter XVI, says: I met the whole armies of the world in a land called Armageddon says former US President (Runl Dregn): This generation is precisely the generation that will see Armageddon, says (URL Robetson) His book Drama end of time says everything will go in a few years or you may be the world's major battle, the battle of Armageddon or Megiddo easy battle.
Says the famous (Janes Hansel) American writer: We believe Kchristan - this as she put it - that the history of humanity will end the battle called Armageddon and Sikhad waged in the plain of Megiddo, she said, and will culminate in this battle, the return of Christ to earth.

Says the famous American pastor (Guinness took place): I wish I could say that we are waiting for peace, we will achieve peace, but I believe that the battle of Armageddon and coming off Sikhad waged in the valley of Megiddo in Palestine
Yes, it's coming Vliekaddoa what they want from the peace agreements that they will not achieve anything, there are black days to come, this doctrine of the people in this battle Tell them honest who does not speak of passion that it will be a joint battle between the Romans - the Europeans and the Americans did - and Muslims on one side and another enemy On the other hand Fagnm Muslims after their safety in this battle of Armageddon what then?

And manage well and save this answer and knowing your wife and your daughters and the knowledge of knowing your children is sincere words which do not utter a fancy science of jurisprudence time or what the next stage after Armageddon? Or if you like what common after the battle between the Romans and Muslims on the one hand and between the enemy referred to by the Prophet, peace be upon him on the other hand .. Why after Armageddon .. Pay attention to me ..

Prophet has told us that the Roman Sigdron In the gathering armies and are preparing to eradicate Muslims from the ground when it lifted the Crusader Cross says: The Cross defeated him and killed a man from the Muslims in this period of time ..

Stated in an interview in Musnad Ahmad bail weak that this period will bring rum where Muslims for women to carry any in the nine months collecting armies and Ajeshun armies to eradicate Muslims from on the ground in this region in Palestine and Syria area as I will explain now the words that do not speak of passion

In this dangerous point in time happens in the universe is my fate Connie not entered the human beings on the face of the earth that he is of God and spent in the Book before the creation of the heavens and the earth fifty thousand years, is not material gain does not apply human but it is a matter of the Lord Most High is located in the universe Kenzol Isa ibn Maryam such as passing Gog and Magog such as passing the Antichrist .. What is this dangerous cosmic event he emergence Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Mahdi.

Oh hurry by O O Knowing cream .. It emergence of Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Mahdi al-Mahdi of this ..?
Man of the descendants of the Mustafa descendants of the Mustafa of children Fatima girl Prophet Muhammad the Prophet Mahdi comes out without earning him without asking him and without desire or request of Muslims or a specific job, but is my fate being located in the universe Kenzol Issa and exit the Antichrist and exit of Gog and Magog appear Mahdi peace be upon him

Sadiq, who does not speak of passion as in the correct hadith narrated by Ahmad and classed scholar Ahmad Shaker and brand Albanian from modern Ali said that the beloved Prophet, peace be upon him said: "Mahdi of us people of the house of God for him, on the night of" no God prepares for succession in spite of secular and hypocrites God forfeits in the night .. Do you know the meaning of that?

This means that we Senbat normal night of nights and wake up in the morning I heard the news and hear all the news agencies in all the media that the Mahdi, peace be upon him had appeared in the House of God. God forfeits in night: God prepares for any adult succession to lead the nation in this next phase .. stage sedition and epics in the hands of the clock.

Narrated by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad bond properly from Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman that the Prophet, peace be upon him said: "The prophecy in you God wills to be, then God brought if he wants to initiate the action and then be succession on a platform of prophecy, shall be in you, God wills to be , then God willing, if brought to initiate the action, and then be owned Aada, shall be in you, God wills to be, then God willing, if brought to initiate the action, and then be owned by algebraically - which Thiah nation now - what shall be in you, God willing, to be then brought If God wills that filed, then the succession on a platform of prophecy "

In the hadith narrated by Tabarani and al-Bazzar and Tirmidhi and Ibn Ibn Majah, ruling bond properly horses in the series and other Khudri may Allah be pleased with him that the beloved Prophet, peace be upon him said: "Tmlan land Jura and unjustly If filled the land unjustly and unfairly sends a man of God to me whose name and the name of his father, the name of my father, fills the earth with justice and equity as the earth is filled with violence and Jura not stuck to the sky something diameter and stuck a bit of ground vegetation Vimkt among you seven or eight, more Vtsaa "

O Muslims ..
We have reached the amount of conversations Mahdi frequency and frequent talk to the majority of the nation's scholars benefit hyperbolic science means that it is the duty of science and the work it is necessary to impose, gone is the word of sincere with me who does not speak of passion ..

Means it asks and how do we know that that came out in Mecca is the Mahdi real, many liars came out and Digagelh claimed every one of them to be the Mahdi, how we know that that came out is the Mahdi real've told us Prophet, peace be upon him sign a prophetic Muhammadiyah honest that occurred that mark You should know that the whole nation, which appeared house of God is the Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Mahdi Allah exalt his mention what the brand.?

Hear the words of sincere who does not speak of passion narrated by Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: the futility of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him one day in a dream - I mean, the Prophet moved uncharacteristically in Alnom- Aisha said: O Messenger of Allah, I saw you had done nothing not do, the Prophet said to him blessings and peace, "the wonder that NASA of my flies to the Sacred House - no mean house Aharam- for a man of Quraysh resorted House Sacred If they Bouapda of the Earth eclipsed them - that is, if these people went out to this man who staged a sit-house of God God Akhosv ground this army and this is Connie Kadri another no income which human beings - Aisha said: I said, O Messenger of Allah, the road brings people - I mean, what the guilt of many of the people who walk in the way of those who did not get out to fight the Mahdi in this army? - The Prophet said: Yes including clairvoyant and Almajabur and the wayfarer perish all fatal one and issue various sources Allah raise their intentions to "God gives every one of them on the intention that came out of it and died

In Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth Hafsa God bless them that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "We seek refuge at home-that marching and shelter house of God with the Mahdi - people who do not have the invincibility and the number is not a number - the poor are weak - come out to them Army-that to fight them and eliminate them - If they Bouapda of the earth-that of desert land - eclipsed them. "
In the word in a Muslim: "There remains only Shareed any who escapes from the army a man or two men to tell what got him the Almighty God in this army, which came out to eliminate the Mahdi peace be upon him, that eclipsed God this military knew Muslims in the earth that which appeared house of God is Mahdi, peace be upon him accept for the Muslim delegations from around the Earth accept the Muslims of all its parts to tighten on his hands and declare their allegiance to him and Iehdoa God with him on jihad for the sake of God and to uphold the word of God to reach into one of two goals: victory or martyrdom ask God that does not deprive us of this honor It is able to do it.

What after the pledge of allegiance? The whole world declares war on al-Mahdi and al-Tawhid together not Unitarians knows with Mahdi taste for comfort and time of prosperity, but fighting battles and epics dangerous period is not equal to the time the expense of something unbeatable Mahdi in one battle, God willing, what these epics? What are these battles?

Sadiq also said in Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Ibn Nafi threshold: "Ngzon Arabian Peninsula Vivthaa God, then Ngzon Knight -aaran- Vivthaa God, then Ngzon Roman -alomrakin and Alawrbeyen- Vivthaa God, then Ngzon Antichrist, Vivtha of God."

The first battle fought by the Mahdi Tawhid Brigades battle together in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula came out first army to eliminate it from Almslemen Fajsv God to the earth, the Second Army, which comes out to fight the Mahdi with the knowledge that the Lord Most High has eclipsed the first Muslim army as well as the army of the Arabian Peninsula

The Prophet, peace be upon him said: "God Vivthaa" which defeated the Mahdi and al-Tawhid with this army and open the Arabian Peninsula to the Mahdi and Unitarian him, God willing, the Almighty come out to the Mahdi another army of Iran from Persia, when the Iranians know that that is not the Mahdi, who waiting for him in the basement out Samarra Vijrjohn him an army tractor Fahzm this Mahdi Army permission of the Most High Almighty
"Then Ngzon Knight Vivthaa God," "then Ngzon Roman" stood with me and gone this critical interval battle are the most serious battles on the face of the earth!

Sadiq between the battlefield and said the details of the battle and even select the outcome of the battle what he said Sadiq, who is not only a passion, said: "Then Ngzon Roman Vivthaa God" and take the details.

Muslim narrated in Saheeh from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, peace be upon him said: "The Hour will not come down until the Roman depths or Bdabak" Where depths and where glutinous?
Modaan near Aleppo, Syria in the State, the Americans and the Europeans will come down in the next few years this land and this region also told Sadiq, who does not speak of passion.
I went back to some old dictionaries to stand on the interpretation of the people of ancient dictionaries for deep and glutinous and found they say: the depths and glutinous: home between Aleppo in Syria, Antioch in Turkey, I said Hallelujah great look at the US-military rules now in Turkey and in bulk throughout the Muslim world, but the European and the world does not especially after the Afghanistan events have now put American military bases in the heart of Europe, said: "accused of doing time until the Roman descend depths and glutinous" any in Aleppo in Syria area you may know with certainty that America has put Syria on the list of state sponsors of terrorism, but was the only foreign minister Foreign Ministers meeting yesterday was the only minister who said a full boycott with the Zionist entity, but they refused to Syria is now placed on the US list of terrorism, "accused of doing time until the Roman descend depths and glutinous"

He said peace be upon him: "come out to them an army of the city are people of the land option that day. If Tsavo Roman said Muslims: devoid between us and those who insulted us fight them" insulted us fight them: those of rum originally unite God Almighty and bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah Veselmon and leave the Roman army from the Europeans and the Americans did and fighting them with Muslims