The time marks

Sermon summary

1. The meaning of time. 2. Minor approaching hour markers. 3. Grand hour markers.

The first sermon

He says: Is it time to look only come upon them suddenly came portents How then they came to them if their memory [Muhammad: 18].

Question atheistic put him in front of the Lord of Glory rejecters the other day when the Lord returns to the creation of the account and the question is what awaits Rodrik! Oantzeron time coming and is no doubt, came markings on the function approached.

What time? The minor and major brands? The Muslim position them?

The time: the names of the Day of Judgment and arithmetic, a name indicating the Wake after sleep after waking and attention, and should learn:

That time of the Hour of things unseen, which no one knows except God and claimed that he is a liar, he says: They ask you about the Hour of Resurrection Say flag but when the Lord does not Ageleta for its time, but is [custom: 187].

And that its time has come near, he says: split came close at the Moon [moon: 2]. For the interview: ((written and I am something)) ([1]).

The brands Minor: the hour minor signs of approaching even roll Alsaleckon honest and faithful increase certainty honestly Mustafa what he told him, and this minor signs:

A large number of temptations: to talk: ((be at the hands of mesmerized like a dark night, a man becomes a believer and infidel evening comes and the evening comes a believer becomes an infidel folks selling their religion introduced from the floor)) ([2]).

The description of the Prophet to mesmerize like a dark night in the dark misses slave right destination, be Alosar and falls and collisions, the individual and the community, nation and the world, and the ignorant, the view from the Nala to the feet of tyrants analyst or taboo sells his religion for the crumbs that hurls him Sultan We ask God wellness.

(B) the corruption of manners: the interview: ((If I did my fifteen lock solution of the scourge, it was: What are the O Messenger of Allah? He said: If after prize states and the Secretariat booty and Zakat fond of, and obeyed the man his wife, Oak mother, dander friend and Jaffa his father, rose votes in the mosques, and was the leader of the folk Orzlhm, and Akram men fear voracious, drink alcohol, wear silk, and took singing and musical instruments, and cursed the last of this nation. First, Fleurtqbwa when the red wind Okhosva and monster)) ([3]).

(C) the corruption of political: to assume command assholes traitors Alorazl to talk: ((If you missed the Secretariat wait time, he said, and how they miss it? He said: If you used to be uninhabited wait time)) ([4]).

D. happy villains who are not employed only themselves to talk: ((The Hour will not even be the happiest people this world Lkaa bin Lkaa)) ([5]).

(E) that people forget the Lord to speak: ((The Hour will not even mentioned on earth of Allah)) ([6]).

(F) the prevalence of adultery and hwan women: the interview: ((The Hour will not even there women day married middle of the road does not deny that one shall be representing them that day that says, if Nhatha for a little way, it is in them, such as Abu Bakr and Umar in you)) ([7] ).

(G) the righteous go: The fear of death insured wishes to religion that it mesmerizing to talk: ((I caught the righteous and the former remains scum Kgesalh dates and barley God does not care about them nothing)) ([8]). For the interview: ((and my hand, do not pass the minimum until the man passes the tomb, Vimarg him and say: I wish the owner of this place and the grave is not its religion, but what do scourge)) ([9]).

(H) the large number of killings and Astbaanh: to talk: ((The Hour will not even frequently commotion, they said, and the pandemonium O Messenger of Allah? He said: murder murder)) ([10]).

I hypocrisy in diets and deterministic wombs: to talk: ((If people have demonstrated science and wasted work, and love one another in tongues and hearts and Tbagadwa Tqatawa in the wombs of God to them when it Vosmanm and blind eyes)) ([11]).

J frequent earthquakes: the interview: ((The Hour will not even caught the flag, and frequent earthquakes, and converges time, and show dissension and frequently pandemonium a murder)) ([12]).

(K) the emergence of the vaunted prophecy: ((The Hour will not even thirty liar impostor all claims he is the messenger of God) comes out) ([13]).

To-go swimming times: to talk: ((The Hour will not converge until time shall be Kalshhr year, and month Kaljmah, and be Friday as today, and today is like clockwork, and the time Kaldharma fire)) ([14]).

The major signs: it came in the overview and detailed conversations in the other.

And they are ten signs to talk: ((It will not even see before ten verses: he mentioned the smoke, and the Antichrist and the Beast, and the rising of the sun from the west, and the descent of Jesus son of Mary, and of Gog and Magog, and three Khosova: eclipsed Palmcherq, and eclipsed in Morocco, and eclipsed the island of the Arabs, and another that outside the fire from Yemen and drive people to their place of gathering)) ([15]).

On this Valalamat big ten summarized explain abbreviated as follows:

Smoke: so that the smoke comes out and takes the believer enters the body cold and in the ears of the infidel and hypocrite, even as the head be grilled on hot coals.


A greatest temptation to talk: ((between the creation of Adam to the time the biggest temptation of the Antichrist)) ([16]).

(B) and that the one-eyed to talk: ((what sent a prophet but warned his nation-eyed liar. He is one-eyed, but your Lord is not Boaour and between the eyes written infidel)) ([17]).

The son of the air: and so-called Antichrist Christ because one of his eyes scanned the Antichrist because he wears truth with falsehood.

(C) that claims to divinity to talk: ((with the Commission and the Commission Fanara fire and fire committee)) ([18]).

D mocking his gin and heaven and earth increase in strife to talk: ((says the Bedouin: What if I sent you to your father and your mother recite the tashahhud I Lord? Says: Yes, it is represented to him the devil in the form of his father and mother Vicolan My son followed it Lord, it comes on folk Vidaohm Verdon him as saying he used to finish them: not in their hands, so they become Mmhalin something of their money)) ([19]).

(E) that God grants him the possibility of murder and an invitation to the slain equator Festua increase in strife to talk: ((then calls full of young men with the sword strikes Fiktah Dzlten, then says to him: do Festua existed)) ([20]).

(F) and his stay in the earth forty to talk: ((We said: O Messenger of God and how to broadcast in the ground? 'Forty days)) ([21]).

(G) to escape from him: to read Fouath Cave to talk: ((it catches you should read it Pfouath cave it from your neighborhood charm)) ([22]).

Animal: He says: If signed to say they took out their beast of the earth Speak to them that people were Our revelations do not believe [ant: 82]. It is a great creature mentioned in the described many sayings, graduated at the corruption of the people and they characterize people believer and unbeliever Fawhit face insured like a dry planet and writes between his eyes locked and characterize the infidel predominates face writes between the eyes unbelieving so that the insurer says: O faithless disturbed my right. He says the infidel O believer disturbed my right ([23]).

The sun rises from the west: to talk: ((The Hour will not until the sun rises from the west if Talat saw her people believe them together while the same is not belief in the benefit of breath were not believed before or earned in good faith in)) ([24]).

Ibn 'Umar said: people Visedkon goes red with gold does not accept them and say: if it was yesterday Ibn Abbas said: and heedless in heedlessness as a caller will call, however, has closed the door of repentance ([25]).

The descent of Jesus son of Mary, peace be upon him: the interview: ((and my hand are due to come down to you, the son of Mary judgment just break the cross and kill the pigs and put the tribute)) ([26]).

The destruction of the Antichrist at the hands of Christ, peace be upon him to talk: ((Fatalbh even realize LED door and killed)) ([27]).

Sojourn forty years: the interview: ((Jesus son of Mary descends Vimkt people in forty years)) ([28]). ((Then die and Muslims pray for him and buried in the tomb chamber shall be honest iv)) ([29]).

(C) people live in the great good and safely accommodate everyone: Ibn Mas'ud said: The man to his sheep and Dwabh go Farawa says cattle and pass between the crops do not eat it spike, snakes and scorpions do not hurt anyone, and seven on the doors of houses does not harm anyone and takes the man tide of wheat Phippdhirh without plow comes and Seven hundred of them D.

Gog and Magog: He says: Even if opened Gog and Magog and they are from all over the slipping [prophets: 96].

A creation of the sons of Adam are wreaking havoc, has built them Zulkarnain dam, he says: They said: O The centuries that Gog and Magog spoilers in the earth Will make you came out to make us and them dam and are still digging in the dam until Ikhrkonh Vijrjohn to People and Jesus peace be upon him faithful happens from their homes in Paradise: ((God as revealed to Jesus that he had taken out devotees me is not condemned to a fight them Vhrz Ebadi to phase and sends God Gog and Magog Vijrjohn people)) ([30]).

Of spoilers that they are working in the killings, but people unite in the sky to talk: ((They say: 'We killed Flanguetl of the earth from the sky in Vermont Bnchabhm to heaven God Verdha them Mkhaddobh blood)) ([31]). And that sedition and scourge.

(B) their destruction worms sends them to talk: ((sends him myiasis in their necks in the novel Duda Kalngf in their necks (and be in the noses of camels and sheep) and become dead commute the same one does not hear them a sense)) ([32]).

(C) land laundering Jifam and Zhmanm to talk: ((Fahbt Prophet Jesus and his companions to the ground do not find in the land the subject of an inch, but filled Zhmanm any Ahmanm and Ntnem any Rihhm of carrion Faadhun people Bntnem sends God birds Koenaq divination (a type of camel throughout necks) Fathmlhm Vttrham where, God willing, then God sends the rain was not him diuretic house and dander, and shall wash leaves the ground until Kalzelfah (ie Women))) ([33]).

D. Pond permeated people to talk: ((then said the land: Anepta Thmrk, pink blessing that Day, eat gang (Community) of grenade and Istzlon Bqahvha)) ([34]).

7.khosv bright.

8.khosv Morocco.

9.khosv island of the Arabs.

His book rumor of Signs of the Hour is noteworthy that Alkhsova have signed, God knows ([35]).

10. outside the fire from Yemen and drive people to their place of gathering: to talk: ((fire will come out of Hadramout, or Sea of ​​Hadramout, before the resurrection poke people, said: O Messenger of Allah, what instruct us? He said: you Baham)) ([36]).

The Muslim position, including:

That senses the Hall insider, and near the meeting as Jabbar heaven and earth Almighty, do not be deceived by this world fleeting, false prestige, and King aficionado, for he is sleeping dreams, and must be vigilant, either to the Commission or to the fire:

God, if the boy lived in Dahrh thousand years, his owner

Mtnama where all precious and never received his mind concerns

What was all this that meets the bed the first night in his grave

To prepare for the command promised him, not moving you hours and days and years and you lah oblivious rapt in nonsense and nonsense, no interest for the preparation of supplies for the Day of Summoning, Taatnazek passions, and desires self erroneous inclined to evil, prefer the Babysitting Alvargin in killing time, including not Aagdik on account of religion, woke up from Rkdtk and be aware of your negligence, The sign of fear right but it is early to talk and rolling: ((than feared feared Odlj, and feared Odlj reached the house, not a commodity that God expensive, but good God is heaven)) ([37]).

Have to be careful to be Mstgfla revolve your temptations, so the supporter of licentious underestimated riffraff his words, and raise the banner of Islam, however, dripping with the blood of Muslims, and how much we have seen who the campus to guide and did not benefit from his work or the dirham and dinar god to him without God he sold the Hereafter physically others, and be pleased Belaaah than the minimum does not help you from the punishment of God something, and committed the commandment of the Messenger of Allah when temptations he says: ((will be mesmerized swivel which is better than the existing, which is based in which is better than the pedestrian, and the pedestrian which is better than Courier)) ([38]) .

Doors are not obeying even proving rush and lingered and refining, and consult the owners of hearts and fear Rahman, and scientists warn of the tongue, they are fools, God guided me and you to do what he loves and is pleased.