Fate and destiny

Sermon summary

1. The meaning of fate and destiny. 2. mattresses fate and destiny (science - writing - freewill - IGAD). 3. The extent to protest Almaib. 4-types fortunes of God as a human's ability to deal with it. 5. How secure fatalist. 6. Impact of fatalism.

The first sermon

He says: books you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you, and Allah knows and you do not know [Al-Baqarah: 216].

Glory of knowing everything is expanded, Glory be to make something good of all insured will not be a slave believer even believe in God and of good and evil, bittersweet.

What faith Elimination and cod? What kinds of fate? What qualities of the believer in God and worth? What effect fatalism?

The elimination of the language is: governance, and destiny: is appreciated.

Vakaddr: What is the amount of things God created him in his knowledge.

And elimination: What is the rule by God and his creation of the things created, in fact.

On this Faith fatalism meaning: the knowledge of God's eternal faith, and faith in the will of God Almighty and the window overall ability.

They should learn:

The mattresses fatalism four: science, writing, and will, and IGAD.

Science: to believe in God the things before being, he says: The Lord of Aazb for whit [Yunus: 61].

And writing: to believe that He wrote what he knew of his knowledge in the old saved the board, he says: No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but in a book by that Nberoha that is easy for Allah [Iron: 22].

And Will, to believe that the will of God, what a comprehensive movement and stillness in the earth or in heaven, but his will, he says: what you want with only that pleases God [Rights: 30].

IGAD: to believe that God Almighty Creator of all things, he says: God, Creator of all things [Thunder: 16].

No one may be invoked as far as God and his will on what perpetrated from sin or disbelief, and the Lord of Glory cited in his book mentioned them, he said: say who have been involved if God wills it shared with us nor our fathers nor deprived of Shi also lied to those before them even tasted Our Might Say Do you have learned from Vtakrjoh us that you follow nothing but conjecture, although you only Takrson [cattle: 148].

Which Is briefed Attorney aware of God, knowing that he had as much to him to do and he did, knowing that, God forbid, buried no one knows except God it is true that one says: Allah Ali wrote that steal, I'm going to carry out of, is briefed on corned board and recites what the .

The slave believer really be carried out God's commands and prohibitions bypass and not required to be looking for, but the will of God and the knowledge of it is buried and no means to him.

And our minds and limited research in this cost has not told to do, but forbidding him came. Imam Tahawi God's mercy says: The mystery of the origin of much of God's creation had not seen so close to the king nor a prophet and deeper and look at this as an excuse abandonment. In the modern: ((we went out the Messenger of Allah day and people speak in the pot, he said, as if he Tagafo in the face love the time of anger, he said to them: What you you hit you the Book of Allah in part to some? This perished from it before you)) ([1]) .

The types of Destinies: Department scientists have Fates that surround the slave into three types:

The first type is not the ability to pay or response and enters the laws of the universe and the laws of existence, and being a slave of misfortunes and related sustenance and the term and the image that it generates and the person without the person.

He says: And the sun runs to have a stable estimate of Alim Aziz YS: 38]. Every soul shall taste death [Al-Imran: 185]. No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but in a book by that Nberoha that is easy for Allah [Iron: 22]. The Lord simplifies the provision for whom He wills and estimated [Thunder: 26]. If not for them came Astakhron hour nor yet advance [custom: 34]. In any form wills knees [Cleaving: 8].

And then it kind of predestination does not account for it slave, because he is out of his control and his ability to pay or reply.

The second type is not the ability to abolish the slave, but in Amkana mitigation, and guidance and enters the instincts and companionship, and the environment, and genetics.

Vahlgrezh can not cancel was told to do so, but it came direct them to the place halal, which authorized by Shara urged him and wrote thus pay for an interview: ((In a few of you pay)) ([2]).

And companionship is a must Man civilian nature, but it came under the guidance of this copyright to what works: O ye who believe, fear Allah and be with the truthful [repentance: 119].

And the environment in which man is born and lives, can not be her retirement was not told to do so, but is located in the power of change and the transition to Akram environment and the purest, and the man who killed ninety-nine world commanded even valid repentance that leaves a bad environment to Akram environment said to him: Go to such and such where the people worshiped God Vaabd God with them, and they return to the land of thy poor ([3]).

Here is the account does not have the presence of what we have said from instinct and his family and the environment, but on how to discharge and directing.

The third type of Abdul ability to pay the refund, they fatalities connected to the optional business and legal costs related These reward and punishment, and you can enter and act in your ability and do not act together, and find that you are free to choose from and the end.

Prayer and fasting you can do and not do, if thou hast set Othapk God and if left Aaqpk, and mainland parents Bxramanma you can do and you can not do Baivaúhma.

As well as enter the response Destinies Balokdar.

Hunger and pay as much as the food.

And the extent of the disease and we shall return to as much as medication, has been said: ((O Messenger of God, what do you think drugs Ntdaoy out and promoted by Nstrgi Otrd from God forbid something? The Messenger of God is God forbid)) ([4]).

This third type is the one who enters the energy and possible circle, and here is the account where the question is: I gave you the ability to act and not to act, did not I did (in sin) did not do (in obedience) also enters the second side of the second type in directing the destinies as mentioned in former type woke up.

The qualities of the believer in God and worth: There qualities to be a believer in God and of which:

A belief in God and His names and attributes so that God does not like something, he says: It is not nothing like Him [Shura: 11]. Not in itself nor in his actions and in his qualities scientists have said: What is the risk to mind is otherwise not be likened not disabled, does not resemble any one of God's creation does not deny the attributes of God Almighty.

(B) the belief that God is described perfect in His names and attributes. He explained Ibn Abbas says: but fear Allah scientists [creator: 28]. He said: those who say to God for all things.

(C) careful: It effort and vomiting Alusa and not laziness and loafing in his work.

D on what works: keen believer be on what it will benefit him worship God Almighty.

(E) the use of God: because careful what works is not only Bmonth Almighty and repaid the Almighty.

(F) Non-deficit: because the deficit is contrary to care and use.

(G) the drop is, he should suspend consideration of God and of and confidence to God's will and ability dominant window and God knows best what is good for him, help him as the wisest, kindest him from himself, and that God is not able to Abdo insured but good.

This confirms what the Prophet: ((strong believer love to God than the weak believer and all the best careful what will benefit you, and seek the help of God does not fail, and that happened to you something, do not say: 'If only I had done as well as he would as well, but say: God forbid, and willing to do it if open work of the devil)) ([5]).

The impact of fatalism: the fatalism has decent effects, including:

I: Strength: and so the mystery of the Muslim victory in their battles with the enemies of God, and most of them were a few, but they are strong doctrine of fatalism where he grew up on the verse: Say will not happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us [repentance: 51], and the interview: ((Whoever to be the most powerful people put their trust in God)) ([6]).

Abu Bakr says Khalid ibn al-Walid (Be sure to death donated you life).

Khalid ibn al-Walid and sends to Rustam says to him: (I've brought you a people who love death as you love life).

Second: pride: Aziz believer in God and of faith is not to humiliate one only God Almighty because he knew that the beneficial and harmful uncertainty is God, and whose hand is the kingdom of God is everything.

And that nothing happens except by order of God: not his creation and the command [custom: 54]. Valkhalq created, and it ordered him, does he remained for one thing then?