Shift from disbelief to faith


The reform of the individual or group or people do not come haphazardly can not be achieved Sorry, but nations do not rise from the setback and piety of weakness does not rise from landing only after authentic breeding true and change the deep-rooted myself, turns passivity in the movement, and dozing to awakening, and the recession vigilance and determination to apathy. Change transforms the destination, morality and tendencies and habits. Year a list of the ways of God in the universe and in the Qur'an in the short term eloquent: God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves [Thunder: 11]. But this change is not easy scratched, it's a heavy burden overwhelmed by Alquahl, because the human complex composite creature. For this, it is difficult to change the hardest himself or his heart or idea. Therefore, we find that the control of a large river or convert its course or dig the ground or blow up the rock is much easier to change the hearts and stir the hearts and thoughts.

The construction of facilities of factories, schools and dams is easy and affordable it, but it's really hard is building the human and change his thought and his heart, human master of desires that gives life also takes them and performs his duty as required to the right, the man who knows the truth and believes in him and defend him, and knows good and loves people and loves him for himself and bear followed in the reform of the corruption, and the call to the good and the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice and the self-sacrifice and money for the sake of God, that the change in the human is difficult is going, but we find faith when he penetrates and up to melancholy hearts we find it does wonders its owner. Faith is the one who prepares the soul to accept the principles of whatever lies beyond the costs and obligations of the sacrifices and hardships of insulting and cursing others.

It is the only element that changes the souls completely grace of God and His guidance to anyone and puts it into a new template and change its goals and methods and destination, and his behavior and his taste and his standards it was in, if we knew one person in the covenants of his life, his first of ignorance and his faith _ for our second person is the first completely not up between them except the name, descent, or form, in an interview with the magicians of Pharaoh who cut their story of God in the Koran lesson and the memory of those who wanted forethought and should learn. God said: He threw Ash If is the snake shown and disarm his hand it was white to Nzeran said Mullah around this magic Aleem wants to expel you from your land charm what Propagation said allergin and his brother and ٱbos in ٱmadaún Hharin unto thee all pneumoconiosis Knowing gathered ٱshrh to Miqt unknown day and told people to Do You are gathered to publicly follow ٱshrh if they are ٱlglpin when he came ٱshrh said to Pharaoh was a reward for us if we are ٱlglpin said yes, and that if you who ٱlmqrbin Moses said to them: Throw what you are lying and they threw Hablhm and their rods and said pride Pharaoh Anna we ٱlglpon threw Musa Ash If is grabbed what Aovkon threw ٱshrh Sadjadan said safe Lord of the worlds Lord of Moses and Aaron said Ouamentm him before Eazn you that the Kberkm ٱlzy your information ٱshr will know for Aqtan hands and feet of the dispute and crucify companions said no harm unto the Lord Menklpon Verily aspire to forgive us our Lord Khtina that we were the first ٱlmamnin [poets: 32-51].

In Surah Taha God's words about the threat of Pharaoh's magicians: Flaqtan hands and feet of the dispute and crucify trunks ٱlnkhal and learned AINA most severely punished and kept saying not Natherk on what came to us from ٱlpint and ٱlzy Aftrna Vٱqd what you judge but eliminate this ٱlahioh ٱldnia Verily secure our Lord to forgive us Khtina What Oltna from ٱshr Allah and the best kept [Taha: 71-73].

See how it has changed their personalities? How flipped Moizinhm? How their thoughts and hearts turned? Hmmanm was tight to the money that the reward for us [custom: 113]. The hopes vested in Pharaoh while swore His Might and said I pride Pharaoh We ٱlglpon [Poets: 44]. This was the logic before you believe.

When he tasted the sweetness of faith was their answer in spite of threats and intimidation in simplicity and certainty Alloa will Natherk on what came to us from ٱlpint [Taha: 72]. After that he became the world hum hum afterlife to forgive us Khtina [Taha: 73]. After that they swear pride Pharaoh became swear by Allah Lord of the Worlds, which Aftarham and ٱlzy Aftrna change direction ... change the logic ... change behavior ... words have changed, in moments become folk is folk.

It was anything this rapid transformation and change the terrible ?! It is a faith that reached into the depths, and in the short story narrated by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh proof shown on the amount of the impact of faith, so that a man who was a guest of the Prophet, peace be upon him and ordered his sheep Vhlapt, drank Halabha, then ordered his second wife drank Halabha then Biiih Wrabah ... even drink milkman seven sheep, and became man and opens his heart to Islam became a Muslim, declaring his faith in God and His Messenger, and ordered the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him him in the morning sheep drank Halabha then again not Astaatmh, and here the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said his aphorisms: (( The believer in me to drink one, and the infidel to drink in seven intestines)). Between day and night is impossible man of voracious Mman in satiety, eager to fill his belly to a man contented chaste, why change it? The change that the heart is not flesh and bone, but what's inside, the shift from infidelity to faith, was an infidel became a believer, and is there a faster impact on the souls of faith? The secret known and unknown reason, and due is the elixir of faith that carries souls and people from event to event and pagan to unite, and ignorance to Islam.

Oh God, I ask you sincerely believe and certainly pure sweetness of faith proceed Gulwibna.qal God: and ٱalmoa that you, the Messenger of Allah if Aitiekm in many ٱlammer to Ye but Allah dear to you ٱlayman and decoration in your hearts and you hate ٱlkvr and ٱlfssoq and ٱlasaan those are ٱrashdon as well as from Allah and grace and Allah is Knower Hakeem [closets: 7-8].

Second sermon

Praise be to God, who guided the faithful slaves and Ovgahm to obey him, and I loved them faith and Zenhom adornment piety, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner King right set forth, and I bear witness that the Prophet Muhammad Abd Allah and His Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family and companions and the peace and recognition of a lot.


If for nothing else, for example, a sincere faith and transformation of faith unique man and woman knew commanded them in ignorance and knew commanded in Islam? The man is Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him, who know him and read what was in ignorance before his conversion to Islam and when he moved from ignorance to Islam and the liberation of his mind until he reached up to cut Radwan tree that swore allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his companions on Hudaybiyah underneath fear that the long time Fikdsoeha people. And standing in front of the black stone Ka'bah says: O stone I kiss you and I know you do not damage the stone would not be used, and if not, I saw the Messenger of Allah what kissing kiss.

Omar may Allah be pleased with him a HH passion paper heart and fear God what filled the pages of history the signs of overall compassion for the Muslim and non-Muslim, not alone, but until the animal _ even may Allah be pleased with him _ God, if found mule Shatt Euphrates Roitni responsible before God ... did not Aso her the road? This is the man may Allah be pleased with him.

The woman is ... Khansa, who lost her brother in ignorance of her father (Cka) Fmlot prospects him cry and cry and felt sad, and her hair as saying:

Reminds me of sunrise Cka and remind him every sunset

If not frequent weeping around me on their brothers killed myself

But after the conversion to see another woman ... we see the progress loved her liver to the field, any field Death satisfied reassuring but induced a driving them, historians told they have seen Qadisiyah war between Muslims and Persians under the banner of the leader Saad bin Abi Waqas may Allah be pleased with him and he was with her built four. I sat them on the night of the critical nights, Tazhm and urging them to fight, fortitude and was saying to them: any Brown, You Oslemtem disobedient, and migrate selected, which is no god but You are the sons of one man as ye sons and one woman is betrayed your father, nor exposed Khalkm, and hybridized Hspkm, nor changed Nspkm, have you know what God has prepared for the Muslims of the great reward in the war of the unbelievers, and know that the house is better than remaining house mortal. God Almighty says: Ioeha those who believe ٱsberoa and endured and they were stationed and ٱtqgua Allah that ye may prosper [Al-Imran: 200]. If you become tomorrow God unharmed willing Vadoa to fight your enemy Mstbesran and God on your enemies Mstnasran, if you have seen the war has rolled on her leg Vtimmoa and Tisha, and Jaldoa Chairman, Tzfroa sheep in Dar mole ..., When are they started fighting the hearts of young and noses diet, if after one of them mentioned his brothers commandment old mother, visited Kallit and launched an arrow, and remained so until the martyred one after one.

The mother was aware of the four heroes in one day, did not make their Tltm Khuda enclave, but the faith of the patient received the news, and the patience of the faithful and said: Praise be to God that I had the honor to kill them, and I ask the Lord to join me in their stable mercy.

What has changed in the age of the old and the new age? What has changed in the Khansa mournful weeping woman who wails to Khansa patience, sacrifice and redemption? It is a sincere faith in God Almighty, where a change from event to event, and in every time and place we find men and women were living in evil and corruption he wanted God to guide them, conciliation and lived the rest of their lives of faith Islamic life changed that first life, and in our time, we find the repentant returning to God both men and women, the difference is clear to everyone among the first of their lives and what they are now and that by the grace of God and His guidance to them good guys.

True worshipers of God, we sincerely repent sincerely to taste the sweetness of faith and change our situation this to be better than we are.