The first night in the grave

Sermon summary

1. The first night in the grave and the parting thousand. 2. some of what was said in the death and separation. 3. The story of grief and the loss of Matt. 4. advice my father suddenly ALATAHYAH for death. 5. buried a Albjadin and crying Prophet. 6. fear Omar bin Abdul Aziz of death. 7. Osman fear of death. 8. poignant story of the death of a woman.

The first sermon

Servants of Allah:

Died position shrines of days Vvariqna sleep

Grave first night in God tell me what you have

Two nights, two, make them every Muslim in his mind; the night at his home with his children, and his family, band safely happy, to live a well-off, and in the wellness and health, Adhag children and Adhagouna, and tonight that immediately followed, which came to him the angel of death, he put in the grave and lonely solo.

This Arab poet says:

Died position shrines of days Vvariqna sleep

Grave first night in God tell me what you have

Says: When I moved from the place where I used it, split with me to another place to sleep, let alone how to be the first night that the most humble grave !! Where Anis, and Gillis, nor wife, nor children, nor money.

 Then responded to God Haashimi, whose teacher has the right not to rule it is faster Accountants [cattle: 62].

The first night in the tomb, which scientists cried, and complained of the wise ones, and classified the works.

The first night in the tomb, came one of the poets is in the throes of death, vivid bite, and it was in the book, forgot to deposit his mother, and his father, and his children, and his brothers, he said, a poem, Alfezha with his breath, is one of the most important Arab elegies, says he crawls to the grave:

Praise Dre Day leave obedient sons highest Alno.tin and Daria

They say they are not just a place where Advinona and dimension but spatially

Says: How do I die my children at the moment, why not ask permission patriarchal? Is this how misappropriate life? Is this how you go? Is this how I lose everything in an instant? According to my friends who are in charge of burial: not far, any Ibadk not God, and are there far from this place, and whether there Ohac of this place, and whether there are darker than this place ?! So if someone comes to death, said Lord Arjon Ali valid working with both left word that she is the one who says it and behind the isthmus to the Day of Resurrection [Believers: 99-100].

Both .. Now drop your account, now repent, now desist from sin, my mastermind for mosques what, I knew Prayer O exhibition on the Qur'an, O violation of the limits of God, oh emerging in the transgressions of God, O full of explosives to the walls of the guard of God, is now repent, where you are before that?!.

The first night in the grave:

Said a historian of Islam in its history, said: Matt Hasan ibn al-Hasan, of the children of Ali bin Abi Talib - may Allah be pleased with him and grant him - was he has a wife and children, and was in the young, and death is not asked permission from a young man, not rich, not a prisoner, not a king, not a minister, nor authority.

Death divides emerge, and people come out of the inning, and Enzlhm of palaces, tombs Eskinhm.

Hasan ibn al-Hasan died suddenly, Vengulwh to the cemetery and found him with his wife, and was saddened saddened not only God knows, I took her children, and hit the tent around the grave [1] - So said the historian of Islam - and I swore to God to weep and her children to her husband, a full year. Great panic, lasting sadness, crying and remained on her husband, and when he fulfilled a year, I took the tent and offshoots campaign, and took her children at night, I heard the phone says: Have you found what lost? Replied another saying: Do not even despaired Vangbawa, what they find is lost, what they found Diathm nor Diathm.

Helwan treasure when we ask for God's best deposits of the best performers

What spoke to them from the grave, and went out to them, pre-children, and saw his wife.

This is the first night, but there are other nights Allah says: And those who believe and their offspring Atbathm disservice their faith and their descendants Oltnahm of their work is something each person will earn depends on what [Tur: 21].

I've let a month ago two young men, took them to the car overturned, and the solace they young righteous on God is; but one of them has been the authors of the Koran, and the Koran owner, and the Prophet (PBUH) says: ((Read the Koran it comes doomsday intercessor to his companions)) [2].

This young man was to complete the Qur'aan every seven days, said his mother and father: that he was doing the night to God, and therefore eased the catastrophe, because it is presented on the tomb of the gardens of Paradise, - that God Almighty -.

The second: it was straight to the command of Allah, do not know, but prostrate, and the Koran, and good companionship and then responded to God Haashimi, whose teacher has the right not to rule it is faster Accountants [cattle: 62].

Abu came ALATAHYAH says Sultan of Sultans, Grth palaces, and remember the first night where the tomb down, we say every great, and all the arrogant, haughty and all: As I remembered the first night !!

This Sultan built great palaces in Baghdad, entered the Abu ALATAHYAH congratulate him on those deficiencies and said to him:

Nest what you looked unscathed under the towering palaces

Nest thousand years, two thousand, three, safe from diseases and pests, you achieved what you want of food and drink and pleasure.

Nest what you looked unscathed under the towering palaces

You are what you want with Aldo with albacore

But what then:

If souls Ngrgrt Bzver rattle breasts

There Moukna learn what you're only in the ego

Sultan wept until he fainted.

The first night in the tomb.

I call on myself and you Socialized Muslims to prepare us Nora graves in the first night, not only illuminates the hearts of good work, after faith in God.

The Prophet came to in the Battle of Tabuk, on the night of nights, he slept his companions. Ibn Mas'ud said: you in the night, I looked to the bed of the Prophet (PBUH) did not find him in his bed, placed my hand on his bed if is cool, and I went to bed Abu Bakr did not find him, came in behind the bed, what age and his grandmother. He said: If the light of another camp at the edge of the camp, I went to that light, if the tomb carved, and the Prophet, peace be upon him has come down in the grave, and if a funeral before, and if the dead had shrouded in coffins, and Abu Bakr and Umar about the funeral, and the Prophet, peace be upon him says to them, Delia me Sahpkma, when Onzlah, and put him blessings and peace in the grave, then tears in his eyes then turned to kiss, and he raised his hands and said: ((Oh God, I am satisfied with the evening came with him Vord him)).

Ibn Mas'ud said: I said this? They said: This is your brother Abdullah Albjadin; he died in the first night. Ibn Mas'ud said: Foddt God that I am dead.

Omar bin Abdul Aziz was a prince of princes of the Umayyad dynasty, alter the dress in the day most of the time, gold and silver has, servants and mansions, restaurants and stripes, all I craved request and wished under his hand, and when he took over the Caliphate and became responsible for the Muslims, stripped of all; to remember that first night in the tomb.

Stood on the podium, wept on Friday, has Baiath nation, and around the princes, ministers, scientists, poets, and the commanders of the army, he said: Take Biatkm, said: what we want, but you are, has been given, a hater, what over the week, but was laughing and weakness and change color, what he has only one dress, said to his wife: Money Omar? She said: God, what sleep at night, and God it to bed, slept like a Viqlb on hot coals, says: ah, I took over the nation of Muhammad ask me doomsday poor and needy, the widow and child.

Told him Ahmed scientists: O faithful, did we see you, Crown Mecca, before taking the King, in grace and in health in wellness, owner of changed, wept until almost ribs vary, and then said to this world, the son Ziad: How Ya Ibn Ziad, if you saw me in the grave three days later, on a bare for dresses, Otosd dirt, I die loved ones, friends and leave, how if you saw me after three .. And God saw the scene upsets, we ask God's good work.

God, if he lived in the alpha-old boy from the past owner ordered

Mtnama where all the delicious Mtlzma where Biskny palace

Do not show concern of both the length of his life are not given concerns chest

What was all that meets the first night in his grave

Faithful worshipers of God:

What we have prepared for that night and the Prophet says: ((the tomb of the gardens of paradise, or a pit of fire pits)) [3].

Was Uthman, if the funeral funeral wept, even fainted, Faihmlonh Kganazh to his home. They said to him once the owner? Said: I heard the Prophet (PBUH) says: ((tomb first houses afterlife)), if it escaped slave, and has succeeded Saad and tortured if it - God forbid - he lost all of the Hereafter.

Kindergarten and the grave of Jinan

Or a pit of fire drill

The better your personally after him

Better when the servant of our Lord

Albeit the most evil Fbadh

Woe to Abdul for the sake of Allah repulsed

Servants of Allah:

Say what you hear and ask forgiveness from Almighty God and me and you and the other Muslims Fastgvroh, he is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

[1] This work is illegal in Islam, but said so golden.

[2] Narrated by Muslim (1/553) No. (804).

[3] Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (4551) No. (260) and said: weird.

Second sermon

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Imam of the pious, and role models all the people, and his family and companions and followers.


Where did you come graves Vnadettha bulks and despised

What all of dedication informant and all died, and died the news

Via aneroid for the people who went before you in a considerable

Spirit and become rich girls Vtmho pros those images

Come graves .. graves superiors and subordinates, kings and owned, rich and poor, all Astute God - the Almighty - what do you think about the graves marked the tomb? King Oonzel in the tomb of gold or silver? God has left his property, and palaces, and his army, and all his possessions, and wearing a piece of cloth, as we wear, and limit him in the dirt.

Have begotten Son of man your mother crying and laughing at the people around you happier

Vaaml yourself to be if wept on the day you die laughing, happy

Of people from work for the day, they always Mthaion to meet God, Mitrqubon to die at any moment. A man came out of the righteous know, came out with his wife of Riyadh wants Umrah, and his wife was fasting List Les God, and before you travel, there was a strange thing, is that this woman took deposited her children, and accept them, then wrote her will she cried, as if he were in immortalized they will die .

The man went with his family and 'umrah, on the way back came the inevitable term promise of God does not break his promise, but most people do not know they know of visible life, they are heedless of the Hereafter [Roman: 6-7].

Swerved the car swerved framework, women and signed on her head, but a martyr, God willing. Those who accept them the best of what worked and overlook the sins in Paradise owners promised honesty that they were promised [Ahqaf: 16].

Her husband out of the car, stopping them is in the throes of death, says: There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, Allah .. God, God then said to her husband: God forgive you, meet in heaven, my family was peace: and those who believe and Atbathm descendants faith disservice their descendants and Oltnahm of their work is something every man, including earned depends [Tur: 21].

We ask Allah to bring together those in the family paradise that, all things.

Bantam and afflicted us what you longing Joinhana not dried Maqana

While almost Tnagium our consciences we spend grief for not Tasina

The Almighty had in this world. In the meeting, the positions of Hashr Nlqakm Suffice

Man alone returned to Riyadh, entered his home and was received by his children, and it was a terrible situation .. She has a child of his daughters: Where is my mother, he replies the man will come, says the girl: God does not have to see my mother, and then the man collapsed and did not composes himself, did not find an answer to his daughter, and say to the girl: you will see your mother, God willing, will Trenha in the Commission presented the heavens and the earth, prepared by the pious.

Vaaml House tomorrow Radwan Khasenh neighbor Ahmed Rahman builder

Palaces went musk and saffron Tintha lawn where NAPT

Via my brothers in God: Do you have prepared for the first night in the grave? Loya is an old man camber back, and DNA for, you prepared for the first night? Hey young guard of his youth and the length of hope, you prepared for the first night? God woke me and you from Rkdh unsuspecting, God and Hherna and you clique in the pious.

Servants of Allah:

Arrived and handed over to the commanded God in prayer and peace be upon him, said: Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who believe it arrived and handed recognition [Al-Ahzab: 56].

Said: ((of the blessings of prayer, God bless him ten)) [1].

Pray to God and lover of Prophet Mohammed, and show him our prayers and our peace in this blessed time, O Lord of the Worlds, and the land of God, from his companions companions, and followers and followed them until the Day of religion, and us with them Bavuk and generosity, and you, the Most Merciful.