The impact of the Koran

Sermon summary

1. Koran timeless miracle of the Prophet of Islam 2. challenge Arabs to come to such Koran or in part 3. Koran deep trap heads shaking in Mecca 4. jinn and angels listen Quran 5. repentance to hear some of the holy Quran 6. impact of the Koran in the noble Companions 7. preferred read the Koran and some preferred AL

The first sermon


 Obey God Socialized Muslims, and clung to Bhablh solid, and Astakimoa on the Straight Path.

Although not the hearts rust, and dissipate the Koran, and the Koran is the real spring inexhaustible, a constitution, which is entitled to the Muslim nation that boasts that at a time when other nations and peoples consistency to the market situation of human constitutions and laws.

Koran is the eternal miracle of this religion, a judgment that the book was revealed to the Holy Prophet, and if the former they Prophets may Ottawa miracles as safe by the people in their time, and these miracles ended their death and courtyard among their own people, the which Otte Muhammad the Prophet under and will continue to be perceived by the subsequent miracle after the former, and as he saw it deems Late applicants .. ..

 And those intercostal miracle suit and the nature of this religion that God wanted him to be the last religions, and commensurate with the Koran who wanted God to be the last book down from the sky, according to the Prophet, peace be upon him at all ((what the prophet of prophets, but I verses what like humans it is safe, but that was Ootih alive and God revealed to, I hope to be the most subordinate the Day of Resurrection)) (2).

And when the Arabs employers eloquence and dialogue and bragging .. Quran was revealed to the challenges them all, Anassehm, and hell Say met while mankind and the jinn to such a Koran does not come in kind, even if they for some hinterland M1.

On top of that the Koran has been able to penetrate their hearts they are after the disbelief and misguidance, and still affects them until their owners led to the guidance and faith, says Jabir bin bin Uday al-Qurashi restaurant Nofali may Allah be pleased with him and was one of the great Quraysh and scientists ratios where: presented to the Prophet peace be upon him and blessings of the city (and in the delegation captives of Badr) and read his reputation in Morocco extremes, and when he reached the verse or created by nothing, or are they the creators or created the heavens and the earth, but do not believe them or Lord or cabinets are dominant. Had my heart fly ((as narrated by the two sheikhs in their hadiths)) (1).

In the novel ((This was the first of the income of the faith in my heart)) and that he had delayed his conversion to Islam to between Hudaybiyah and Conquest (2)).

 Before the Khyber was a story threshold between Rabia, a famous, assigned Hassan, and its conclusion that the Quraysh after it considers the spread of Islam chose the best its men to speak to the Prophet, peace be upon him, came to Abu Walid bin Rabia threshold, and spoke to the Prophet, peace be upon him a lot, a listener has When he had finished he said: ((emptied O Abu Walid? He said: Yes, he said, listen, and recites the beginning of Surat separated until he reached the verse is turned away, tell Ondhirtkm lightning like lightning returned and Thamud grabbed the threshold at which and appealed the uterus)), and returned to his family and retained for a period of Quraish.

 In some novels that came to them. He said to one another, divide, Abu al-Walid came to you without the face that went by, and when he sat down to them and they said that behind you? He said, and behind me I heard the word God, what I heard like never, God, what is the magic, nor poetry, nor Ehana, O Quraish Otiona and deliver it to me, devoid of men and what is in it, Vaatzloh, I swear There will be among the saying that I heard the news, the hit by Arabs has Kvimoh Bgarkm, though they appear, Vmlleke your king, and pride Azakm, and you were the happiest people do, they said: O Abu Walid charm with his tongue, said: This is my opinion which, Bring forth therefore what you started (3).

The impact of the Quran on the hearts of Christians and pastors if they heard what was revealed to the Prophet see their eyes overflowing with tears, which knew of the right of our Lord say safe Vaketbna with two witnesses (4) [table :.

But Marda elves who were coming off before Istrkon hearing affected, they said: We heard the Koran screamed leads to adulthood Vamana do not involve our Lord one (5).

And pulled out a ruler and other attribution Hassan Abdullah ibn Mas'ood said: landed - I mean Gin - the Prophet, peace be upon him as he read the Koran stomach Palm when he heard listened he said: Shut up! They were nine, one hiccup, revealed God Almighty: Having spent you got to some of the jinn listening to the Koran when he Houdrōh They listened when he had finished and luau to their people, warning said O our people We heard the book was revealed after Moses, confirming the hands leads to the right and to the path straight O our people answer the need of God and believe in Him to forgive you of your sins, and deliver from a painful torment and should not be unnecessarily Bmadz God is not in the ground and not from his parents without those in manifest error [Ahqaf: 29-32].

If this logic Gin direction Koran Vmlaúkh well as an affair with the Koran, the steam out and Muslims in their hadiths and the word of the steam for Mr. Ben seedlings may Allah be pleased with him, said: While he reads the Koran night Sura, and his horse tied to him as they walked the Persians remained silent Vsktaat, recites Vjalt Persians, remained silent Vsktaat Persians, then read Vjalt Persians went away, and it was his son Yahya close to her, Vohafq to endure, when Ajtroa - I mean, his son so as not to Ttoh Persians - lifted his head to the sky even what he sees, when he became the prophet happened, peace be upon him, He said to him: ((read Son Hudayr. Read Son Hudayr, said: Vohafqat O Messenger of God to set foot Yahya had them soon, raising my head to the sky. If such canopy where the likes of bulbs, I went up to see her said, and knowing what is he? He said: No, he said: those angels dent to your voice even if you have read to become the people seen not hide them (2))).

In Sahih Muslim - well - Bara said: ((he was a man who read the cave and has a horse hitched Bashtunain (and Ctun: cord long troubled), but linked Bashtunain the strength and intensity Vngsth cloud, they made a spin and approaching, and make his horse alienate them, and when he became came Apostle God bless him, he recalled him so, he said, those evil ones tranquility of the Qur'an (3))).

Brothers of faith: as well as the impact of the Koran when recited, and not surprising that transforms the hearts of the Koran into the hearts of criminals, thieves distinguished scientists, and sunflower good.

  The holy bin Ayaz world worshiper - the mercy of God - a clear example of what I say, has recounted the Golden Sir Heraldry story of repentance and influenced by the Koran, he said: the holy bin Ayaz Hatara, (cutting the road) between AbiWord and Sargassum, and was the cause of his repentance that love underway, while He ascends the walls to as heard Talia followed Yan pain for those who believe that their hearts are subject to the remembrance of Allah .. verse (1) when he heard it said, 'Yes, Lord, has come, and he came back, Vaoah night to experience, if the Sablh (no passengers) said some of them : leave, and some of them said: until we, the Vdala on the road cut us, he said: I thought and I said: I am trying night in sin and some of the Muslims here Ikhavonna, and what I see God led me to them only deterred, Oh God, I may decide you made a nearby Sacred House Topti . (2)

God's holy womb argument of his time, and Abed Dahrh, and Oora people around him .. and Akram and greatest in this book, which revived the nation after he was dead.

And the truth of God, which believe those who say that if we sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, I saw humble flawed from the fear of God and those wouldst they might improve their minds (3)

God Nfni and you guided his book .. and Alan hearts and jurisprudence arbitrator hymn .. I say this and I ask forgiveness from God.

2 (d) modern Narrated by Muslim c 1/134.

(1) steam (with opening 8/603, Muslim, 1/338, injury 2/65, 66).

(2) (incidence 2/66).

(3) Tafsir Ibn Kathir 7 / 151.152.

(4) Table / 83.

(5) Gin / 1.

(2) Open 9/61, Muslim 1/5548.

(3) Muslim 1 / 547.548.

(1) Iron / 16.

(2) Sir 8/373.

(3) Hashr / 21.

 [M 1]

Second sermon

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds Criterion descended on his servant to be the worlds harbinger, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone is not a partner in Lordship and His names and attributes, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, and all of mankind God bless him and his fellow prophets.

O Muslims and the impact of the Koran on the souls feared detest their children to be affected by the Muslims when they hear from the humble to the recitation.

 The story of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him with the son Aldegnp reveal this, and that when Abu Bakr came out with the left wants to immigrate to Abyssinia Vlekaya (Aldegnp son) said: like you do not come out and my father out Bakr and I'm a neighbor you, then son came Aldegnp to Quraish in her club and declared his side to him, it was belied by the Quraish but they told him over the Abu Bakr Vliebd Lord in his home, pray in, and read whatever he wants, nor hurts us in so do not be revealed him, I'm afraid that fascinate our women and our children, and he said to Abu Bakr, stayed period well, then appeared to Abu Bakr Fabtny mosque courtyard of his home, and he was praying it and read the Koran Viqzv (meet) the women infidels and their children as they admire him, and see him - and Abu Bakr was a man crying does not have his eyes if he read the Koran, Vavzaa the supervision of Quraish infidels they sent to Aldegnp son, Abu Bakr, complain to him, and say unto feared that our women and our children mesmerizing Fanahh .... etc story narrated by Al-Bukhari in the right (1).

If the impact of the Koran, a tip of the iceberg, and a few of the many, the question here that we must ask ourselves: What is the impact of the Koran we, the Muslims in this crisis? Before this question is another question: What is our share of reading the Koran? The luck of reverence and reflection while recited the Koran? .

The fact that many Muslims today reality over, laments him with deep regret, Valmassahv complaining of dust by accumulation, and abandonment became didn Muslims but from the womb of God, the goods from the Book of Allah Mzjah, and God have mercy while is was great Sheikh comes to the Prophet, peace be upon him He says: ((Oqrina O Messenger of Allah? He said to him: I read three of the same (Waller). The man said: I grew older and intensified my heart and thicken my tongue, he said, then read from the same (Ham), he said, such as his first article, he said: I read three of rosaries, He said like his article, the man said: But Oqrina O Messenger of Allah Al University, read it if you shook the ground even when he has finished the man said, and who sent you the right no more and it never, then gone the man said to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: succeeded Alroagel, succeeded Alroagel (1))) ..

If preferred Surat (the earthquake) this, what about the tool is available for them to read the whole Quran, and is available to them from the activity and strength that they can re-read the Qur'an again and again? Oh Athrmena to please, nor Tsdna because of the weakness of our souls and the predominance of desires for your book.

Brothers in Islam: Have we forgotten that good ten-fold and that the (pain) in which three characters, says the Prophet, peace be upon him ((I do not say (pain) character, but the letter A and L and M characters)) .. How would census characters per page and how much will be the number of good deeds?

 However, Fadlallah wide: But is it a good effort messenger? Alice decent your Muslim brother that precocity to come to the five daily prayers to enjoy reading the premium from the Koran and you get a great balance of good deeds, the abit, baccarat as you can early ones, the rather lazy right you should be precocity on Friday to read the flow from the Koran, especially Cave, which told the Prophet, peace be upon him that ((their villages on Friday, shining a light from under his feet into the sky brightens the Day of Resurrection, and forgiven him between Friday)) (2).

O Muslims arrived on the Prophet, peace be upon him.