Holy Great

Sermon summary
1. greatness greatness speech writer. 2. Holy feature from other books. 3. virtues of the Koran. 4. aside suspicion authored the Apostle of the Koran. 5. Do we need the Koran.
The first sermon
He says: safe Apostle in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and all the faithful believe in Allah and His angels, His Books, His Messengers do not differentiate between one of the messengers and they said we have heard and we obey the forgiveness of our Lord and you determination [Al-Baqarah: 285].
I know that the books of faith that God has revealed to prophets and messengers of the pillars of faith - the great and the Koran is the last book came down from God Almighty God has summed up the benefits of what characterized the progress of downloaded books: What is the Koran? What distinguishes him from others what books? What virtues? And suspicions that revolve around him? Does the nation need him? And how should we receive?
The Koran: it is the word of God miraculous home on the Mohammed bin Abdullah is written in the Koran worshiper read out.
They should learn:
Speech that maximizes bone writer, so how about if the speaker is God Almighty? Jabbar earth and sky, but Almighty God teaches us that if the Koran was revealed to the inanimate cracked and broke away from the fear of God, the Almighty said: Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, I saw humble flawed from the fear of God [Hashr: 21].
The great Koran distinguished from others of the books three things:
(A) there is no distortion to the conservation and substitution: I mentioned we went to him and I privates [Stone: 9].
(B) ensure an integrated approach: What Frtna in the book of thing [cattle: 38].
(C) to create wholes: but as a mercy to the worlds [Prophets: 107], and said, what else: Each of you made the Bill and curriculum [table: 48].
The virtues:
1. charitable to his family: to talk: ((best to learn the Koran and knowledge)) ([1]).
2. greatness of the reader: to talk: ((said to the owner of the Qur'an: Read and thinner and recite as you used to recite in the world, your when you read the last verse)) ([2]).
3. intercession to his companion: the interview: ((Read the Koran it comes doomsday an intercessor for its companions)) ([3]).
4. a great reward for the reader: to talk: ((Whoever reads a letter from the book of God has its good and good ten-fold, do not say: Did the letter, but the letter A and L and M characters)) ([4]).
5. charity and the virtues of endless: to talk: ((this Qur'an banquet God piled Madpth what you can, this Qur'an rope of God, and the light reflected, and healing beneficial, the infallibility of those who stick with it, and the survival of those who followed, not deviates Vistattab, nor pervert who shall, do not expire and does not create wonders of frequent reply, read to the God reward you for reading)) ([5]).
6. presence of the angels to listen: to talk: ((that Mr. Ben seedlings while he is in Mrbdeh read as they walked (disturbed) horse, and recites Vjalt horse said: So I turned and was Yahya (son) close to her. He said: I was afraid to set foot in it (ie walk it Persians) and I saw like the canopy where the likes of the saddle (LEDs) in the air until I stopped what I see, he said: those angels were listening to you, if I read to see what people have become masked by them)) ([6]).
7. Satan flee homes metropolitan Qur'an: to talk: ((Do not make your houses graves, the devil flees from the house in which you read the Sura)) ([7]).
8. In the Koran wall has the advantage Calfathh because the Prophet Abu Saeed Bin Alli: ((for Oalmenk greatest Surah in the Qur'an said: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds are the seven vescico)) ([8]), (Fatiha named Palmthani because they discourage in every prayer), as well as Baqarah and Imran to talk: ((Read the Alzahrawin: Cow and Aal they come doomsday Gmamtan Thajan for companions)) ([9]).
And any chair: to talk: ((Sura where no lady Koran does not read in the House and the devil, but came out of it: no chair)) ([10]), and the cave in on Friday, to talk: ((Whoever recites Surah Kahf on Friday lit his light between the two Fridays)) ([11]), and blessed, to talk: ((The Sura in the Koran thirty accompanied by any man until he is forgiven blessed whose hand King)) ([12]), ((say, God is a modulate one-third of the Qur'an)) ([13]). And Almauztan: ((Sooratal-Naas and say, I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak, to talk: seek refuge with them, what seek refuge Mtauz Bmthelhma)) ([14]), Louis to talk: ((heart Koran Yasin not read by a man who wants God and the Hereafter, but forgive him Agheraoha on your dead )) ([15]).
The suspicions about the Qur'an: The enemies of God are keen to question the recognized source of all goodness, approach life, even cut off the link between him and the light and the confusion experienced by the nation at the level of individuals and the community, but so dark that you live.
These suspicions: that the Koran when Muhammad ibn Abd Allah, God has responded this lie by saying: What you Ttheloa by him from the book is not of sound in your right hand if you suspect doers [Spider: 48], Vrcol God was illiterate not read or write has made him God Thus, knowing the enemies of Allah Almighty Pavtraouat it.
Then add to that other responses uttered by scientists, including:
Was passing on the Messenger of Allah events bones and was desperately needs to be any Khadth lie and summarized: that the Prophet was if it comes out in the Battle of Ding between his wives lot came out to Aisha when the Messenger of Allah returned Askar army went out Aa'ishah some would when he returned found that the Army had walked sat waiting for a man said to him: Safwan bin inactivated lag behind the army to collect what he forgot the army and then join him when he saw Aisha Onach her Ibnagueth Frckpt then the right of Muslims when he arrived in the army and they looked at Hawdaj did not find Aa'ishah Shortly after Safwan bin inactivated income as he leads the camel spoke head hypocrites Abdullah bin Salool and stabbed in the presentation of the Messenger of Allah and went a whole month and murmurs talk in the presentation of the Messenger of Allah until he stand on the podium and says: ((What is it about people Aadhunni in my family and what I learned from them but good)) even Allah has sent down ten verses of Surat Al-Nur where patent Aa'ishah which rates it: Those who they came Balivk League you do not count him a disservice to you, but is good for you for each one of them gained from sin and who took magnify them a great punishment ([16]) .
Had the Quran when Muhammad came to a verse deny what was attributed to the wife Aisha, may Allah be pleased, but he lived it all the suffering and cruelty waiting for the judgment of God alone, keeping watch verses descend from God and God alone.
Then how the Prophet himself is held accountable for the incident, which took place with him did not know him? That's when Ibn Umm secretive came a blind and say: 'O Messenger of Allah guided me, and when the Messenger of God, men of the greats polytheists Making displays the Messenger of Allah accept him and others came down: He frowned and turned that came blind [Abs: 1-2]. And Ibn Umm Maktoum Babos did not know the Messenger of Allah is blind it indicates that the Koran the word of God as proof of the scales and the religion of God that appeased dearest to him an infidel.
(C) telling things receptor: Fares were displayed on the rum and the polytheists like it was the Muslims love that Roman appear on fares because they are people of the Book revealed God as saying: Did Romans have been defeated in the lowest land, and they, after their defeat will be victorious in a few years God is before and after The day believers will rejoice in Allah's victory [Roman: 1-5].
Ibn Kathir said: The support of the Roman Knight and Day Battle of Badr in the words of many a number of scholars such as Ibn Abbas and the Revolutionary Saddi and others ([17]).
The news is about the future and determine the duration and the media agree that a victory for believers, this can not be preached to interrupt him, but he can not interrupt him, but God Almighty Creator Knower of the Unseen Almighty.
(D) the scientific facts known to science recently after research and study and exploration of the existence of a barrier between the sea and the river there is no one wants the owner does not mingle with him and he says: Marj Bahrain meet isthmus between them do not transgress [Rahman: 19-20].
Then says: whenever mature skin Bdlnahm skins others to taste the torment [women: 56].
It is science knew that the skin is concentrated where the nerves of sensation, Vhrouk first class most painful burns second or third degree where weaken the nerves of sensation, is that much of what was written by scholars such as a book: (God is reflected in the Age of Science) (Science and Faith) (Medicine at the altar Faith).
Does the nation need the Koran?
I know that God called the great names of the Quran shows him, God was called the Qur'an:
A spirit: He says: We revealed to you as well as the spirit of our orders [Shura: 52]. Vmenzlh Koran of the nation is like a soul from the body by the disintegration and decomposition and putrefaction factors and the state of the nation in the loss and disintegration and Alaúgaha and morals.
(B) Criterion: says: Blessed is he that came down the Criterion to His servant to be the worlds harbinger [Criterion: 1], it is that distinguishes between right and wrong and guidance and misguidance and right and wrong and without him confused things and lost the facts, and the nation has lived in going astray blind and ignorant floundering in its progress said.
(C) above: He says: and he said to you and your people [Decoration: 44], there is no honor and prestige of the nation is not only the status of the Qur'an and otherwise trampled the enemies of Allah with their feet and humiliated and violated.
How should we receive?
Receive implementation: This way of the Salaf, God bless them, Abdullah bin Masood says (what we preserve of the Book of Allah only five or ten verses until we work and then go back Venhfez five or ten other) Victab God did descends to read on the dead of the pond, but the Even neighborhoods virtually untouched in the organization of their condition.
Deification of the Book of Allah: it should not be a nation that generosity of God - lowered this great writers who bear paying attention to litter and other delusions, he says: O ye who believe! Do not anticipate the hands of God and His Messenger, and fear Allah, Allah is Hearing, Knowing [closets: 1].
It is extremely bad manners with God to offer the passions and opinions on the words of God and the words of His Messenger.